Saturday, February 19, 2011

Need feedback.

I think most of my followers are from the west. So I must ask...

Is there anything anyone would like to know about the place where I live? There are quite a lot of touristy destinations in my state. Mostly eco-tourism things like diving in Sipadan and climbing Mt. Kinabalu... lots of small islands to visit. Also, food that westerners never heard of(?)  maybe..

Anything in particular anyone is interested in? Let me know, I may write a small entry describing/explaining. =)


  1. The general, weather, politics and people.

  2. alright..politics is a bit shitty. perfect for a rant. :)

  3. but no one wants to hear about starcraft 2 from a guy in bronze league. lol JK. might do that in the future.

  4. Hey I'm from Japan, so from the east. I'm interested in diving and visiting islands.

  5. Do not hate on the bronze league lol, many of us are there =)

    <-from the west

  6. I would surely love to know more!

  7. I have only been to Thailand. But I want to have a big tour across Asia some day

  8. If someone asked you "what is the absolute best (in your opinion, not based on tourism stats) attraction in your area is and why", how would you answer?

  9. Best attraction... that would be me.. duh.

    nah, i would have to think about that.
